

Interpack is over!

After a 6 year break Interpack exhibition finally happened! Now it’s time to say thank you to every and each of you who visited us at our stand or invited to your stand.

It was exciting 7 days of work, meetings, a lot of good emotions and beginning of new relationships.

Our team had so many meetings with clients. Some of them came to meet our team for the first time, others came to get the best offer or to clarify what is the most optimal solution for their company. And the best part is that there were clients who came just to say hello, to ask how are we and to tell us how our machines are working. This means that Fasa sales managers are not just selling, they are building relationships. That’s why it’s so important to participate in exhibitions and to meet your clients in person.

Our team is so happy and thankful for a possibility to participate in Interpack. See you in next exhibition!





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